Monday, April 25, 2011

A quote for peom

"The pure,the bright,the beautiful,
 That stirred our hearts in youth,
 The impulses to wordless prayer,
 The dreams of love and truth;
 The longing after something's lost ..."

  This is a part of poem that I see in someone's blog, I don't know the name of it, but I love it very much. We own many things, no matter what we are rich or poor. If something we get it very easy, we won't know the value of it, also don't care about it. But this is a bad behavior. Papers are not so important if we lose some, but what about all paper around the world are losing? What can we write on? Maybe you will say "Word"(Microsoft Office Word). But can we use "Word" to pack things, to make packing chest, to make gift beautiful? Of course not. So do you still thingk papers are important now? If we think like that, everything is important for us, we can't careless anything, so that we won't lose important things. The same as friends, some kinds of friends always like to find our disadvantage, always say we need to change somewhere. Sometines we may feel unhappy about that. But if we leave them, there will be no one tell us our mistakes, we won't be better and better, because no one tells us the truth. Good friends are can make us be better and better, this is real friends, not the person says you are good everyday.
  I can know many good things from this poem, it teaches me everything has their own value, everything is important in this world.

Don't let life fool with you, until the loss to know which is treasure

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Poem I Like

再别康桥    徐志摩               Good bye, Cambrige    Xu zhimo   

轻轻的我走了,                    Very quietly I take my leave,
正如我轻轻的来;                 As quietly as I came here;
我轻轻的招手,                    Ouietly I wave goodbye,                  
作别西天的云彩。                To the rosy clouds in the western sky.

   I like the part of this poem, though the mood of this part is really sad, the writer is going to leave the bridge that he likes best in his hometown, but he must leave it for somewhere else to find job because of socity at that time is really bad, so he writes this poem to present his sad mood. The way that writer uses in this poem is really beautiful, I can know writer's sad mood by myself easily but I like this sad mood, it can make my head relaxed and just feel like I stand in that beautiful bridge, see a young man wave goodbye to the clouds, sky becomes red, just like a picture. The sad mood make me feel nice.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

My own poem

I always see your smile
In the early morning
in the afternoon
at night
Your eyes curved like the moon in the sky
But one day
Your smile suddenly disappeared
Where was it
I miss your smile                                           

Sunday, February 27, 2011

To my Ball (Rememeber? My pet dog)

Dear Ball,
 I'm Abby, your friend ~ How are you these days ?
 I just want to tell you something. Are you still sleeping everyday? Don't just sleep, you need to do some sports and help our parent, otherwise you will get silk and mom will chatter about you are lazy, isn't it? I 'm good in new school, I have made many friends and they are all interesting and look after me, I think I'm lucky. The teachers are also really nice, some of them are funny, others are friendly, I lke them, though the subjects are boring, but because of my teachers, I can learn these subjects well and hard. I think math is easy, I do the best on math. Can you understand these things? I think you can, you are very smart, right? I will study hard here and go back to China to play with you on my holidays. 
  Miss you,

About piano

  I like music when I was young, one day, I went to my sister's school to look at her, I heard a really nice sound when I went to her chassroom, I find that is a girl was playing the piano, I fell in love with piano, I like the sound of it, that's so nice.
  So I told my my mom that I wanted to learn piano, I really like it. My mom felt surprised and happy, because I had found my hobby. She just told me I could't give up. The next day, she helped me to sign up for the piano school, and bought a piano for me.
  I felt really excited, and began to learn it the next day. At first, I thought it was really interesting, the nice sound through my ear, it was so nice.
  But when I went to grade 10 in my country, I bacame really busy, I didn' t have so much time to practice the piano, I began to be lazy, and didn't want to spend so much time to practice it, but my mom didn't let me give up practicing, she said to me: "this is your hobby, isn't it? don't give up your hobby just because you don't have time to do it, you still like it, right?" I listened to her carefully, and I understood well, I still  liked it, that was true. I couldn't give up it.
  So I began to practice the piano hard, I wanted to play it well, because I like it, and I like music.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A really nice song

This song tells us what love is ...

I am a music lover

   I already said I am a fun about music, but I'm even a music lover, I really like music. In my free time, I always listen to music, I already said it at last post, also, I like playing piano, I think the sound of piano is realy nice and I love it very much.  
  I prefer pop music,, it makes people relax and comfortable, some songs have lively rhythm, I really like this kind of songs.
  Except pop music, other kinds of music are also very good, all music can change our mood even our life, so I think no matter you are happy or sad, young or old, you also can listen to music , it makes you really good,, music is really helpful to us.