Sunday, February 27, 2011

To my Ball (Rememeber? My pet dog)

Dear Ball,
 I'm Abby, your friend ~ How are you these days ?
 I just want to tell you something. Are you still sleeping everyday? Don't just sleep, you need to do some sports and help our parent, otherwise you will get silk and mom will chatter about you are lazy, isn't it? I 'm good in new school, I have made many friends and they are all interesting and look after me, I think I'm lucky. The teachers are also really nice, some of them are funny, others are friendly, I lke them, though the subjects are boring, but because of my teachers, I can learn these subjects well and hard. I think math is easy, I do the best on math. Can you understand these things? I think you can, you are very smart, right? I will study hard here and go back to China to play with you on my holidays. 
  Miss you,

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