Monday, April 4, 2011

The Poem I Like

再别康桥    徐志摩               Good bye, Cambrige    Xu zhimo   

轻轻的我走了,                    Very quietly I take my leave,
正如我轻轻的来;                 As quietly as I came here;
我轻轻的招手,                    Ouietly I wave goodbye,                  
作别西天的云彩。                To the rosy clouds in the western sky.

   I like the part of this poem, though the mood of this part is really sad, the writer is going to leave the bridge that he likes best in his hometown, but he must leave it for somewhere else to find job because of socity at that time is really bad, so he writes this poem to present his sad mood. The way that writer uses in this poem is really beautiful, I can know writer's sad mood by myself easily but I like this sad mood, it can make my head relaxed and just feel like I stand in that beautiful bridge, see a young man wave goodbye to the clouds, sky becomes red, just like a picture. The sad mood make me feel nice.


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